hood rich life style

'alternative' lifestyle strategies

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

free teemu

Bloginpitäjä pakkohoidossa

never surrender! rebel alliance 4 life

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

total epicness

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

big big thanks to hennyman at Life of Kriton

positive vibration


kivoja kommentteja =)

it's almost 16:20 on 20.4...........................

postal service

i shouldve filmed a super hip and cool edit just now as i rolled with my longboard wearing vans sneakers and nudie jeans and a fjällräven flannel to pick up my new Campagnolo Record front derailleur from the postbox....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

forgot the election

i was too tied up (literally, it held me really tight) in universal harmony and perfectness and godliness to think about that.

Friday, April 15, 2011

not too aero...

but looks good. army gear 4 life

bike fancy

Thursday, April 14, 2011


this is a fashion blog from now on

these are the coolest sneakers i've ever seen??? where can i buy them?caliroots didnt have any

from thetextileblog

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

syön raakaa palsternakkaa ja tää on parasta ikinä


i'm been making rejuvelac eli uudistavaa juomaa. hard to say if it really has improved my wellbeing but somehow drinking it FEELS right. and that's what counts right?

if you happen to sprout grains be sure to try this while youre at it.

elsa ervamaan elävä ravinto -kirjasta joka on muuten loistava! copypastesin kylläkin täältä


3 l kannellinen lasipurkki
3 dl luomu vehnänjyviä
2 dl luomu rukiinjyviä
1 dl luomu ohranjyviä

Liota hyvin huuhdellut jyvät reilu 12 tuntia vedessä. Heitä liotusvesi pois ja idätä jyvät. Laita 1-2 päivää itäneet kokonaiset jyvät lasipurkkiin. Täytä purkki vedellä ja laita kansi päälle. Siirrä purkki käymään kahdeksi vuorokaudeksi jääkaappiin. Siirrä purkki vielä vuorokaudeksi huoneen lämpöön.

Kun juoma on valmis, siirrä purkki jääkaappiin, ettei se happane liikaa. Ennen kuin otat juomaa, sekoita hyvin. Lisää puhdasta vettä tilalle. Voit käyttää uudistavaa juomaa niin kauan kuin siinä on makua. Lisää uutta vettä noin ½ litran erissä. Tavallisesti juomaa saadaan 7-8 kertaa alkuperäisten jyvien määrästä. Esim 6 :sta desilitrasta jyviä saadaan 4-5 litraa juomaa. Onnistuneen juoman pitää tuoksahtaa miedosti happamalta ja maistua lievästi sitruunalta.

english instructions

i've only had spelt grains lately... works fine too

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

pineal gland


it is the third eye, the core of the brain, the seat of the soul. it produces melatonin which is pretty much what dreams are made of.

im way in too deep in this now to write anymore specific thoughts about this... just see things for yourself

ram papapam rampapapam rampapapaaaammmm

have I not posted this yet??????

i wandered in kamppi late one night and i saw dozens of rihanna posters and i just had to take one and put it on my wall....

EU Secretly Authorizes Emergency Order Allowing Large Increase Of Radiation In Food



Monday, April 11, 2011

oh my god


mean mug

i dont know about the tune but atleast theres a guy rockin a t-shirt ninja mask!!!!!!!!

who has 31mm lobes?

handmade in espoo. birch oiled with organic tar,rapeseed oil,sunflowerseed oil,beeswax mixture. i might give em to you for free if youre a good guy. link up if youre interested.

i think they would look great on dark skin...

custom orders also considered...

wood is the best material for most piercings PISTE

rollin doobies up

Saturday, April 9, 2011


some really good pictures from LIFE

found this at colbycai tumblr ohhhh girll.....

rioting is a lot more fun than voting

Ole hereillä vaaleissa - Älä äänestä! by ikukahakka

if you dont understand finnish just watch the last 5 minutes or so. you'll get the idea


Latest tracks by Dj Christuff Renaissance

maybe the best mix i've heard for a while!

(***k is he using a txt message sound sample driving me crazy)

i totally agree with this political agenda

"weed, basic income, piratism"

(parliamentary election soon in finland)

okay he's a complete freak, supporting nuclear power and all that..... never trust a politician

Friday, April 8, 2011


couscous with herbs, kidney beans, carrots, broccoli and alfalfa sprouts

and again strictly finnish design dishes ;) name brand all di way!

chill, i got this....

im sure einstein knew what the world is about and had deep peace of mind...

found the pic at This is not Porn


Rihanna coming to Finland!!!!!!


its gonna be mad!!!! on the beach everyone in bikinis..... last time i went to the hietsu beach it severely damaged my mental health seeing the people there... the tattooss..............

i need to get a canoe and peddle it to the beach to get in for free!

rockin tight pants since 2006

new coppershot mix

Latest tracks by coppershot

di gyal dem waah carbwoy! dem nuh waan nuh bicycle....


Entire country loses internet for five hours after woman, 75, slices through cable while scavenging for copper

Sunday, April 3, 2011

HMS Vengeance

Vengeance carries the unopened "last instructions" (Letters of last resort) of the current British Prime Minister that are to be used posthumously in the event of a national catastrophe or a nuclear strike.[2]



"only 200 warheads"


no huhhhuhh on meleko fataalin näköne meno....


pitää olla kunnon entourage ennenku tonne uskaltautuu... my dawgs link up

some reading for y'aalll

New World Order

End Times



Rihanna - Rude Boy (Chrispy Remix) by CHRISPY

i vote for rihanna in the Queen of the NWO 2012 2012 2012!!! election

time machine

Saturday, April 2, 2011

vivalo and how it used to look.

back inna 2010


these are so cool i think i have to buy both...


strange fruit

on the day i moved to my house (fiyah bun kerrostalot) the first thing i did was set up my stereo of course... and the first record i put on was billie holiday's immortal sessions. first song is strange fruit... i got such chills down my spine i almost freaked out and i had to put off the music right away....

fendor bendor

this actually looks kinda OK

via Pristine

if you ever visit Amsterdam be sure to go to the pristine shop, there is a quality cafe with vegan stuff upstairs too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

anti-gaddafi forces part 2

have you noticed how the news look like scenes from mad max nowadays?

Jussi spotted this. big up!